Wallpaper Music (2007)
Prepared piano. 3 hours.
In Wallpaper Music, I prepare every note on the piano, in such a way that the instrument is radically “retuned.” Instead of the normal chromatic scale, all the pitches are reconfigured to a single diatonic resonance (imagine the whole piano resonating in “E major”). At the same time, the normal “mono-timbre” of the piano is multiplied into a variety of muted, percussive, buzzing, and gong-like colors (with rubber strips, screws, bolts, card and paper). In performance my approach is to “sound” the instrument, striving to get all the strings resonating at once, using a rapid fire pointillistic improvisation, or creating quick rhythmic clusters blurring together. Wallpaper Music 1-3 is released by Room40.
“massive and stunning” - www.cyclicdefrost.com
“Cage & Satie are smiling from clouds up above” - Musicbox Archive