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Sounding Wivenhoe (2007)

Open chamber ensemble.

Sounding Wivenhoe is one of a series of site-specific musical performances responding to the natural environment which began in 2007. Composer Erik Griswold and artist Rebecca Ross took the dwindling Wivenhoe Dam (in the midst of a century-worst drought) as the focal point of their investigation of acoustic, visual, and cultural perspectives.

A week of events began with an environmental musical performance on the banks of Lake Wivenhoe, where ten musicians projected their sounds across the lake in a long-distance musical conversation. Following this were three performances at Brisbane Powerhouse, framed by Ross’ mesmerizing video installation, which used footage from the lake and Brisbane River to created compex visual rhythms.

"Griswold starts playing high up the keyboard-fast tinkling arpeggios gradually extending in range. Over the top are occasional blurts from the wind and brass players, their lines also gradually extending as the piece moves along. Cello and bassoon play off each other, jazz fragments pop up on the side from trumpet, trombone and clarinet. Gradually the piano moves into hammered string sounds, then chills down to a sort of rubber harp. Performers echo rhythms and pitch fragments across the space." - Realtime 80 (Aug-Sep 2007), Greg Hooper (Sounding Wivenhoe - Brisbane Powerhouse)

Premiered by Erik Griswold (piano/toy piano), Bettina Crimmins (oboe), Elliott Dalgleish (sopranino saxophone), Oscar Garrido de la Rosa (bassoon), Richard Haynes (bass clarinet), Crystal Hildred (trombone), Louise King (cello), Dan Quigley (trumpet), John Rodgers (violin), Vanessa Tomlinson (percussion), with artist Rebecca Ross.
Lake Wivenhoe and Brisbane Powerhouse, July 2007

Developed with support from Brisbane City Council and Arts Queensland.

© 2025 Erik Griswold.

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