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Action Music (2013)

Open instrumentation. 8:00.

Action Music may be played by any number of instruments, in any combination, from soloist to orchestra! Throughout most sections of the piece, the performers play together in a tight rhythmic unison, following the same general melodic shape. However each player decides for themselves exactly what pitches, sounds, and instrumental techniques to employ. Some sections use graphic notation – dots, dashes, and scribbles to depict the musical textures. Other sections use descriptions to suggest changes in sound or mood, such as “Massive Noise,” “Drunken, wobbly,” or “Sharp and edgy.”

Action Music was created in 2013 for Clocked Out and Ensemble Offspring for their collaborative sound event “The Listening Museum,” with generous support from the Australia Council for the Arts. 

"Action Music" was one of "my two favourites for the night...The piece is a single quirky line - cartoon music for tomorrow, snappy fragments and synced up time slices of humour held together by a score that specifies rhythm, mood and attitude rather than pitch." - Greg Hooper, Realtime Arts

© 2025 Erik Griswold.

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